Our Mission
Our aim when we set up Abana was to provide as many young people as possible with the financial help which would enable them to attend Secondary School and if necessary university or college.
Since 2010 we have helped, in our small way, a good number of young people to do this.
Some of those young people now have very successful jobs, are married with families and are eternally grateful to Abana for making this possible.For others, life is still a struggle. They completed their secondary education but were unable to find a good job. This is life in Rwanda. There is very little work.
57% of Rwandans live below the poverty line and without our help, many young people never complete their Education and are therefore never able to break out of the cycle of poverty and deprivation which is the future of most young Rwandans. Education gives young people in Rwanda a future.
Governing Document Of the Charity Abana
Governing Document of the charity ABANA:
The principle aims and objectives of the charity are:
The advancement of Education , specifically of students attending or wishing to attend, the School ” Groupe Scolaire Notre Dame de la Paix”, in Cyanika, Nyamagabe district, south west Rwanda :-
To promote the Education of young people (under the age of 25) at the school in Cyanika in rural Rwanda in such ways as the charity trustees think fit, such as sponsoring selected students through secondary school and on to Further Education by paying school/university fees and providing uniforms and necessary writing materials as well as maintenance grants. Selected students would otherwise be unable to access secondary education as a result of their desperate poverty.
To further advance the Education of pupils in the above mentioned school by providing and assisting in provision of facilities for education at the school and thereby improving the learning environment.
To help relieve poverty and financial hardship amongst young people in rural Rwanda by assisting in the provision of Education and training and providing the necessary support to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income.
We intend to raise awareness in the UK about Rwanda in general, but particularly about the desperate poverty which exists in rural areas.